
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3177



韦德体育app官网(“OU”)学生行为准则(“SCC”)的目的是保护和促进机构的角色和使命,为学生提供一个模范的学术经验, 在我们的校园社区中鼓励社会责任和文明,并保护公开大学社区的福祉. 请访问网站了解更多信息 学生行为准则.


The CEU is a nationally recognized means of recording noncredit study. ceu被许多雇主和机构接受,作为认真致力于职业发展和保持专业能力的证据. 10学时奖励1个CEU. 全勤是颁发CEU的最低要求.


注册继续教育(CE)课程和/或项目的学生不被视为韦德体育app官网本科或研究生学位课程的一部分. Registration for a CE course does not constitute a formal application for, 或者是入学, 本科或研究生学位课程,因此没有资格参加学位授予课程中为入学学生保留的课程和/或服务, 包括但不限于, 韦德体育app官网支持经济援助或校内住房.

韦德体育app官网 does not allow students earning CEUs to later convert them to academic credit. 注册非学分课程的学生应在注册前评估他们是否希望获得ceu或学术学分. A retroactive change from CEUs to academic credit, or vice-versa, is prohibited.


PACE is responsible for establishing the late registration policy and implementing the policy on behalf of the CE units. Late registration is discouraged, but may be requested by the PACE program or course director.

用于延迟注册的表格被称为 更改申请表格 并且需要通过PACE手动添加课程. 这种形式, found under the policies and procedures button on the PACE homepage, may be used immediately after the course registration is closed and during the next 5 business days. The form must be complete and signed by the participant requesting the addition and signed by the program director.

Short Courses, 研讨会, Camps and Conferences (duration of 4 days or less)
Late registration is not accepted after the first day of the offering, 但可以通过联系主管批准例外情况.

用于延迟注册的表格被称为 更改申请表格 需要通过PACE手动添加课程. The form must be complete and signed by the participant requesting the addition and signed by the program director.


学生参加者可以通过网上报名系统自行退出,并根据以下退款政策获得退款. 学生不得自行退选课程.

Withdrawal after the course registration start date must be accomplished by request using the PACE注册变更申请表 在主页的政策和程序按钮下找到.


在第一周课程结束前未退课的学生应自行支付所有学费和其他费用, 还有任何分期付款的费用, 滞纳金, 以及学校为收取或试图收取未付学费和/或其他费用而产生的所有费用和律师费. The University will first apply all payments received to the oldest outstanding balances, 如果适用的话, 然后到本学期收费.

To be eligible for a 100% refund for courses that meet either in person, 在线或远程学习 一周以上 学生可按下列方式在网上自行退课:

  • 在课程开始日期之前的任何时间
  • 课程开始日期后最多7天
  • No refunds for tuition, books, or materials will occur after that time

有资格获得100%的短期课程退款, 研讨会, 营地, 面对面的会议, 在线或远程学习 一周或更短时间, 学生可按下列方式在网上自行退课:

  • 在课程开始日期之前的任何时间
  • No refunds for tuition, books, or materials will occur after that time
  • 符合资格的SCECH和专业ceu是不退款的



  • If a drop is requested within the first 7 days after registering and 不访问课程内容.
  • 自注册之日起超过7天, 参加者没有资格获得退款.

参赛者必须填写并提交 PACE注册变更请求 链接在这里的表格可以退课.

学生可以使用“ 申请例外表格. 这是在家庭成员死亡的罕见情况下使用的, 失业, 或者患有严重的疾病,需要缺课.


希望在课程中获得不完整(I)成绩的PACE学生必须首先与他们的导师讨论,然后再要求提交表格. The Incomplete (I) grade is offered as a temporary measure for extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student. The student, course instructor, and program director (如果适用的话) must sign the requested form. Work must be completed within six months after the end date of the course. 如果工作在此日期后仍未完成,则0.本课程将获0分.


Incomplete grades may be given only in the following circumstances:

  • 到目前为止,这个学生的工作还过得去;
  • Students have completed at least 70 percent of the total coursework requirements;
  • 因疾病或其他情有可原的情况(如直系亲属死亡)而无法在到期日之前完成规定的工作;
  • 要求的工作可以在约定的时间框架内合理地完成(课程结束后最多6个月),并且不要求学生重新参加课程的任何部分;
  • 不完整的成绩不能代替不及格的成绩;
  • 不完整并不仅仅是由于学生没有完成作业,或者是为了在成绩报告时间之后做额外的作业来提高成绩;
  • Students are not allowed to “re-take” or sit in the course the following semester as a condition of the incomplete. If the circumstances are such that the student is meeting the requirements of the course at the time of the “I” grade, then only the remainder of the course content is required to be completed.
  • 老师和学生讨论“不完整”的术语

学生在韦德体育app官网的学习过程中可能会遇到问题,可能需要适当的行政或学术人员进行审查. This is a description of the problem-resolution  by the university. 该程序提供了一个事实调查系统,用于解决学生和教职员工之间的问题,当无法通过其他既定的大学程序对问题进行审查时.在某些情况下(例如.g. discrimination and harassment), the university has specific procedures which must be followed.

每一个学生, 教员, 管理人员和工作人员有义务通过受委屈的学生与立即涉及该问题的具体大学人员之间的讨论公平地解决问题.

Each academic department has its own internal procedure for resolving complaints about classroom situations. A copy of the relevant grievance procedure may be obtained from the involved academic department or school. 学生必须首先联系该部门或学校,并遵循该部门的相应申诉程序. 这取决于部门, 这把椅子, Director or designee may hear the facts of the case or refer it to an internal committee. 如果此步骤未解决问题, the student may contact the dean of the college or school to continue the problem resolution process.For cases involving grade disputes and classroom procedures but not involving discrimination, 骚扰或非法行为, 这个过程在院长/主管级别停止.
如果问题与学术无关,学生 必须首先 联系项目主管或协调员,按照项目内各自的申诉程序进行申诉,否则将被转介到负责单位. 如果此步骤未解决问题, the student may then contact the Director of 专业及持续教育 to seek final resolution. For nonacademic complaints, appeals stop at the director of 专业及持续教育.

  1. Student/Participant must email detailed description of complaint along with corresponding documentation to (电子邮件保护).
  2. PACE主任将与投诉人联系,提出解决方案或正式召开会议,作为投诉调查过程的一部分.

查看 OUPD网站 关于紧急情况和警报. 报名参加 接收紧急警报 韦德体育app官网.

视图 一般闭包信息 来自俄亥俄州立大学警察局. Please contact your program director to confirm any closures at off-site and alternate locations outside of campus. 此外,您还可以查看完整的 大学关闭政策.

韦德体育app官网继续教育(PACE)的学生和教师有权通过韦德体育app官网图书馆获得免费的客人卡. 阅读更多关于客人卡片的信息.

PACE participants are eligible to purchase current membership options through the 娱乐中心 继续享受学生折扣. 费率:30美元/月或100美元4个月的娱乐中心访问. 会员可以在娱乐中心的前台购买.

请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 索取成绩单. 继续教育成绩单通常需要10个工作日来处理,根据你的最后出勤日期/毕业日期,可能需要更长的时间. 

韦德体育app官网 welcomes 密歇根工作 and other displaced workers. 我们理解你们所面临的困难, 这就是为什么我们提供各种资源,重点是:

Follow the steps below to take full advantage of the programs and services offered at 韦德体育app官网.

  1. 在密歇根工程公司注册:上网到 密歇根工作 开始注册过程.
  2. 探索的机会: Review the academic, student service and financial aid resources listed on this site.
  3. 得到帮助充分利用免费或低价 个人 和职业咨询(通过 成人职业咨询中心)就在校园里提供.
  4. 与顾问会面: Contact an academic adviser from the program you wish to pursue (undergraduate or graduate). An adviser can help you complete documents regarding your program plan and financial costs.

学生与OU残疾支持服务办公室(DSS)的代表会面,并提供以下残疾要求住宿的文件. A definitive diagnosis of a disability must be identified in the documentation. Details regarding the required documentation for each disability can be found at the DSS的网站.

Note: If a student does not have documentation and requires testing, the testing process could take a minimum of six to eight weeks to complete.

Students who do not meet with DSS before classes begin should meet with DSS, 还有他们的文档, 尽快, 理想情况下,至少六周后才需要服务. It is the student's responsibility to register with DSS and request accommodations!

DSS staff will review the student's supporting documentation to determine sufficiency and eligibility for accommodations. 如果需要额外的测试, temporary accommodations may be granted while documentation is completed.


教职员将填写并签署学院通知书. 学生将被要求签署信,表明同意建议的住宿和理解他或她的责任. 学生有责任向PACE主任提供通知信的副本,PACE主任将与项目主任分享.

在每个PACE新学期开始之前, 学生必须获得一个新的, 更新DSS的教师通知信,并将该通知信的副本交给PACE主任,后者将其提供给项目主任. 学院通知信不会成为学生学业记录的一部分,并且只会在需要知道的基础上共享.

PACE主任将审查该信函,以确定所有请求的适当性,并与学生讨论所关注的问题, 项目主管和决策支持部门.

PACE主任, 与项目主任和PACE教师合作, 会协调提供住宿吗.